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Sierra Vista National Scenic Byway

The Sierra Vista National Scenic Byway is one of California's best-kept secrets. Situated immediately south Yosemite National Park, this little known heart of the High Sierra is made accessible by a 100-mile long ribbon of roadway that circles this enchanted land. Our 160-page guide Exploring the Sierra Vista National Scenic Byway describes a 100-mile long (mostly paved) scenic byway that starts at North Fork, near the exact geographical center of California, making a loop up to the southern boundary of Yosemite National Park, and ending at Oakhurst. Along the way, the reader will drive through deep forests of fir and pine to see the deep gorges of the San Joaquin River, the magnificent crest of the Sierra Nevada, and Yosemite-like granite domes rounded by exfoliation, glaciation, and weathering. There are also geologic oddities, such as a natural arch and Globe Rock, and historic old cabins. The guide also includes a dozen short side trips off the byway, where easy hiking trails lead through groves of mighty Sequoia trees, to the top of Fresno Dome, and to the crash site of a World War II fighter aircraft.


We don't know how it happened, but on page 112, in our book Exploring the Sierra Vista National Scenic Byway, we have an incorrect GPS coordinate for the stopping place on Forest Road 6S08 when visiting the World War II crash site of a P-40 fighter aircraft. The correct coordinates should be: N37°34.565 / W119°32.490. We apologize for any confusion our incorrect coordinates might have caused.

ISBN: 0-9707115-8-1

Part #: TTP-711581
Price: $14.95

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